Rad-Lab Desktop Edition
Latest Version: 2.4.5
Previous Version: 2.4.4
Cable Drivers
femto-TECH is proud to offer a variety of software resources to download and generate comprehensive reports for your customers. Rad-Lab Desktop is our Windows & macOS offering, allowing you to connect your CRM to the computer of your choice to download and manage report data. This version of the Rad-Lab software is our most feature-packed version to date, giving you the tools you need to analyze your protocol tests and customize/manage your report data with ease.
Connect to femto-TECH CRM devices via a wired or BLE
Manage downloaded test data to create radon inspection reports
Customize a specific length of the test to report on
View hourly weather information gathered for the span of your
Add company, technician, client, and test location information
Take or add images along with an accompanying description
Add an authorizing signature from your company to each report
Add your customer's signature via touch screen or mouse
Share test data with coworkers for off-site analysis & report
Save and share your reports via femto-TECH's Cloud service!
Send reports via your preferred method
Print via SM-L200 & Epson TM-P20 bluetooth thermal printers
Print via local wireless or networked printer
Mark the last known location of your placed devices
Compatible with devices in our "Blind" Program (3rd-party test
Created & maintained by femto-TECH with new features released

Click the images to view a sample report
Need to save time? Generate a Quick Report with test-pertinent information instantly once your data is downloaded. Need just the visual data? Create a Graph Report! For more descriptive reports, create a Full Report with test, client, graph, hourly, & image information plus more!
Quick Report
- Test location information
- Device information
- Final test averages
- EPA explanation of results
- Limitations of liability
- Signatures
- Notes
Graph Report
- Final test averages
- Radon Graph
- Temperature Graph
- Relative Humidity Graph
- Barometric Pressure Graph
- VOC Graph
- CO Graph
- CO2 Graph
Full Report
- Everything in Quick Report
- Everything in Graph Report
- Customer information
- Technician information
- Radon Analysis
- Air Quality Analysis
- Hourly data table
- Add Images with descriptions
- Add PDF's with descriptions
- State radon info
Government Affiliates
Department of Defense
Department of Energy
Industry Affiliates
Contact Us
25 Eagle Court,
Carlisle, OH 45005
Phone: (+937) 746-4427
Fax: (+937) 746-9134
Mon - Thurs | 8am - 4pm
Friday | 8am - 11:30am